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Did you know that an estimated 50 million adults in the US are affected by some form of arthritis, causing chronic pain and decreased function?  This often leads to inactivity and a reduced quality of life. FOX physical and occupational therapists provide pain relief and increased function for patients with arthritis.

How Physical and Occupational Therapy Can Help

Prevent or Control Joint Damage

  • Provide therapeutic exercises geared towards mobility, strength, and flexibility to improve Range of Motion (ROM) and increase muscle support to joints

Reverse or Prevent Loss of Function

  • Assess and instruct in the use of adaptive equipment and assistive devices, such as walkers or canes
  • Evaluate and refer for custom splints and orthotics

Eliminate or Decrease Pain

  • Provide manual therapy such as mobilizations, massage, and soft tissue work
  • Instruct on body mechanics / posture
Meet Our Clients
I’ve had great improvement in my neck and knee. I’m able to walk around much better than I did before, thanks to them [FOX].
Clara Altomare
86 years young
When I came here I was in a wheelchair, and now I can walk with a walker. I feel very good about that.
Frederick Anderson
78 Years young
More than just concerned about my therapy, she’s concerned about me personally. I like that!
Betty Powell
80 years young
Brett is a wonderful teacher. He’s part of my heart.
Rita Dietrich
88 years young
If you will work with them [FOX] you’ll see a difference in all of your activities. That’s what we try to do.
Michael Gould
86 years young
We’ve been working on balance, on strengthening my trunk, on how to do things in a different way. We’ve been working on everything, including confidence.
Georgia Weaver
75 years young
What We Treat

We assess and address various conditions, ultimately seeking to improve quality of life. Some of these conditions are shown below, but there are many more.


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